Capturing A Holiday: Creative Ways To Remember A Beloved Trip

Whether it is a staycation or going abroad, going on holiday can be exciting. It is a chance to escape day-to-day routines, enjoy time away from work, and recharge batteries.

Some choose their holiday as a time to unwind by relaxing around a pool in another country or taking scenic strolls along British coastlines. For others, their idea of a holiday could be an adventure-packed trip filled with exploring new places and participating in adrenaline-fuelled activities.

With £40 billion predicted to be spent this year on holidays, remembering these trips is something many aims to achieve whilst away and upon their return home. These holidays could be celebrations for a special occasion, such as a milestone birthday, pre-wedding party, or anniversary. Some holidays could even be much-needed time away.

Regardless of the reason, remembering the holiday is something many will wish to do as they want to preserve the memories made.

For those looking to capture a holiday, here are a few creative ways to help remember a beloved trip.

Choose A Scent


Sometimes a scent can transport a person back to a time and a place. It can bring back fond memories of that specific moment in their life. When taking a trip, consider choosing a fragrance to wear daily. Some might decide to purchase a new fragrance, while others might choose to revisit an old favourite and attach new memories to it.

After the trip, smelling that fragrance worn throughout the holiday will bring back that time of being somewhere new and the memories made.

After the trip, gifts could be given in candles or room diffusers of a similar scent the recipient wore on holiday. Alternatively, buying that fragrance can make for a thoughtful gift, one the recipient will likely cherish for the sentimental value and the memories they have attached to that fragrance.

Themed Meal Nights


Post-holiday blues can impact everyone differently. For some, they might feel exhausted from the travelling and limited sleep they were able to get whilst away. Others might struggle with easing back into the normal business of daily life, especially after spending an extended period taking each day easy and relaxing with limited worries and distractions. A few might find that they miss some of the local cuisines they were treated to each night.

Upon return, once life has returned to normality, consider hosting or organising a themed meal night. It could be a homecooked meal of the traditional dishes from the place visited or food inspired by local cuisine.

Alternatively, if cooking is not anyone’s strongest point, seeing if there is a restaurant nearby that serves dishes from the place you visited, having a meal there one evening could make for a lovely night out. All those that went on the trip can come together and reflect on the fond memories created on holiday, all whilst tucking into a delicious meal.

Create A Scrapbook


What better way to remember a holiday than to create a scrapbook? In today’s digital world, many will take photographs of places they visited on holiday with their mobile phones and share them on social media.

Some might send the photos to loved ones to show them some of the adventures of their trip. With whichever route they choose, many of us rarely print out the photographs and store them in a photo album. Creating a scrapbook filled with all the pictures taken can be something to cherish. It is a physical book to pick up and look through the pages and be reminded of that holiday.

Additionally, it can feature any other mementoes from that trip, including boarding passes, entry tickets or small souvenirs that can be glued to the pages of the scrapbook. Little notes can be added as reminders of funny moments and stories linked to some of the photos.

Whilst some might prefer a physical copy, consider the benefits of having a digital scrapbook too. With a digital scrapbook, it can easily be sent to all those who went on the trip and shared with others who want to see the memories created and the adventures embarked on.

Use online tools to merge a PDF to make a final scrapbook to share. With the PDF of the scrapbook, some might choose to keep the online copy, and others could print it out if they wanted.

Keep A Travel Journal

Travel Journal

Whether going away for a few days or weeks, there will likely be some moments from the holiday anyone would want to remember forever.

One of the best ways to remember these moments, aside from taking photos or videos, is to write them down in a journal. It could be done each night before going to sleep or the next morning before setting out for another adventure-filled day.

If a journal wasn’t kept on the holiday, one could be written upon return. Spending a little bit of free time writing about the memories from the trip can be a simple way to reminisce about the holiday and all the fond memories created.

With the travel journal, it can be picked up and read through on days when a reminder of a fonder time is needed.

Have A Memory Box

Memory Box

Journals, memory boxes and scents are all simple, effective and creative ways to allow a person to remember what was a beloved holiday. Another way is by creating a memory box. A memory box can be filled with all sorts of trinkets that remind a person of a specific holiday.

Postcards or souvenirs purchased, along with the tickets and passes saved, can all find a new home in the memory box. Families with children can think of creative ways to remember the holiday by asking their young ones to draw their favourite memories of being away.

The drawings they create and be stored safely in the memory box and kept alongside all of the other souvenirs collected.

With a memory box, it can easily be stored in the home and kept somewhere safe. When moving somewhere new, the memory box filled with reminders of a favourite holiday will come along and find a new spot in the new home.

Holiday To Remember

Holiday Snaps

Of course, printing out photos and placing them in photo frames around the home can also be a small way to remember the holiday.

Photographs around the house make for great decorations. They can even make great birthday or Christmas presents for those that also went on the holiday, as a reminder of fond times shared.

However, having something that remembers a specific holiday can be greatly cherished. It is something that people can pick up and look through, reminiscing on some of their favourite moments from their trip away together.

Creating memory boxes or scrapbooks, sharing meals and wearing the fragrance worn from their time away can help to transport someone back to a favourite moment in their life.

Having these physical reminders can be something they hold onto for years to come. For those planning a trip away sometime soon, keep some of these tips in mind. Some could help you to find ways to hold onto the memories created on the upcoming holiday.

